In addition to spending time in Southall at the A Rocha UK center we did make it in to London for some fun. In spite of the rain everyday we took

several long walks through the city. We followed the lead of Londoners and dashed into museums, cathedrals, pubs, and phone booths during the heaviest downpours or resorted to busses and Underground in order to keep dry. Public transportation is incredible; you can get anywhere in the city really easily.

Our first trip out took us to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards. We enjoyed the bands, uniforms and silly walks, but all agreed that the changing

of the guard in Greece takes the prize for the best silly walk of all. We walked along St. James Park to Westminster Abbey, parliament and Big Ben. Then we hoofed it up to Trafalgar Square and then found a bus that would eventually take us back across town to the Natural History Museum. We all really enjoyed the dinosaur exhibits.

Another trip into London took us to the British Museum to be overwhelmed by the amazing

collections from all over the world. We promised ourselves we would return (which we did) and hopped on a bus to catch a free organ recital at Westminster Abbey -very cool (not only was it really neat to hear the organ music, but we didn’t have to pay the usual 14 pound admission!).

Another trip took us on a Sunday to St. Paul’s Cathedral where we caught the sung Eucharist service. It was really beautiful. The London Symphonia was there to accompany the boys’ choir. We had a nice walk along the Thames and onto the Tower Bridge. Saw a Beefeater at the Tower of London and made our second pilgrimage to the British Museum.

Our last adventure in London began at Knotting Hill where it seems cool book and music stores abound. Walked to Kensington Park where the kids had a ball at the Princess Diana Memorial Playground. We passed along

by Kensington Palace and the Royal Albert Memorial on our way to the science museum. This was the museum for Emma! They have an area just for 3 to 6 year olds where you can touch and play with everything. She couldn’t get enough of the water-play area. The rest of us enjoyed the science museum too and agreed that, just like all the others, we could spend a week in there -if it weren’t for the imminent sensory overload
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