Who needs museums when you get to visit one every day just by commuting? I alluded to it earlier, but just about anytime someone digs a hole in Athens they “discover” something. The Metro system in Athens created an incredisble opportunity for archaeology. A number of the artifacts that were uncovered are on display and have the best descriptions we’ve encountered from any museum. At first we stared at the displays and took pictures of everything. I’m positive that we looked pretty dopey standing around the Metro stations actually reading the information about the artifacts that were found while digging the tunnels. The locals just cruise on by. More accurately put, they jog on by to catch their next Metro train or bus. After a while we joined the rush of it all until I realized that if I was going to retain anything about this place I needed to slow down and take it in. And one of the best places to read about the local archaeology and history just happens to be in the Metro. Whatever! These are a few of the Metro sites we discovered while commuting around town.
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